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The Financial Institutions Football Cup Tournament

May 16, 2007
The Financial Institutions Football Cup Tournament

The tournament for the "Ernst &Young Financial Institutions Football Cup" finished on Sunday 13th May 2007 in Sofia.


The final round matches took place on 12th and 13th May 2007, at the "Akademik" stadium. The referees gave a kick-off signal on the 12th May for the teams of:


Post Bank, Allianz Holding, UBB, Forem Consulting, Bulgarian Stock Exchange, SIS, ING Bank, Raiffeisenbank, the Financial Supervision Commission, Bulbank, Unica, Bulstrad, the representatives of the media: bTV, Nova TV, Dnevnik Daily, and the team of the sponsor -
Ernst & Young.


Two concurrent matches (the small final and the final) were played on the 13th May 2007. This year winner is the team of UBB, followed by Forem Consulting and Alliantz holding at the third place. The "Fair play" prize went to Forem Consulting.


The closing ceremony of the tournament took place at the same venue starting at 2 p.m. Champions were awarded by Mr. Panos Papazoglou, Country Managing Partner of Ernst & Young. Many guests from the 24 financial institutions participating in the tournament attended the event.


The official organiser of the tournament is the Bulgarian Football Union and the Amateur League. The "funny old game" takes place for the second year in a row and proved to be the major annual football fever for the financial community in Bulgaria.


The hosts from Ernst & Young aim to make the beautiful game from this year leave all fans looking forward to the next tournament, to watch astonishing skills and perfect team balance. It is also an opportunity for networking and promoting "fair play" in sport and business.

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