Member news

6th National Conference: “Common-sense strategies and policies", November 25th and 26th

November 25, 2010
6th National Conference: “Common-sense strategies and policies", November 25th and 26th

The Energy Agency of Plovdiv (a long time BBLF members) is extending an invitation to all BBLF members to attend the 6th National Conference: “Common-sense strategies and policies – EE and RES solutions for energy independence, competitive prices and the end of the crisis”. The conference will be held in Plovdiv, Novotel Plovdiv, on 25 and 26 November 2010. 

 BBLF members receive an exclusive discount of 30 % of the participation fee.

 The topics which will be discussed at the event are:

  • New strategies and legislation in the sphere of EE and RES
  • Sustainable local and regional development and Covenant of mayors
  • BioRegions - successful European model of bioenergy projects
  • Integrated EE and RES projects in buildings
  • Innovative projects of energy agencies, universities and business organisations
  • RES Exhibition -the newest tecnologies, products and services.
  • Study tours - demonstration of good practises in RES sphere 

Speakers at the event include  Rosen Plevneliev, Minister of the Regional Development and Puvlic Works, Georgi Kostov, Deputy – Minister  of Agriculture and Food, Kolio Kolev, Executive Director of the Executive Energy Efficiency Energy and Liylin Radulov, Executive Director of the Black Sea Energy Center. Among the speakers are also renowned international experts.   

For additional information please read the agenda or visit the site of the Energy Agency of Plovdiv.

View the agenda and list of speakers:       BG           EN


Registration Form:    BG         EN


Participation Fees:    BG         EN

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