Member news

Postbank is distinguished as the "Contributor of the most time and services of employees"

December 11, 2009
Postbank is distinguished as the "Contributor of the most time and services of employees"

Postbank received an award for "Contributor of the most time and services of employees" for social causes for 2008 at the Fourth Annual Donors Conference - "Partnerships for Effective Giving", organized by the Bulgarian Donors Forum and the Corporate Donors club. For a fourth consecutive year, the awards rank the companies in terms of spending on charity and social initiatives during the year 2008. PricewaterhouseCoopers Bulgaria verifies the companies' data pro bono.


Scott Pozil, Senior Commercial Officer at the US Embassy, Bulgaria, conferred the award to Postbank. Upon receiving the award, Emiliya Milanova, Chair of the Board of Directors stated "We are particularly happy to have been distinguished as a "Biggest Time Donor" for 2008. This is recognition and a reward for our employees, who participated in many initiatives, donating their free time and efforts. I would like to thank them and to wish them to participate in many new charitable initiatives in the forthcoming year. At Postbank we believe that businesses should contribute to society. That is why we will continue to encourage our employees to stand as an example of corporate social responsibility".


In September, Postbank received the "Ethical and responsible conduct towards stakeholders" award in the competition for Socially Responsible Company of the Year, organized by "Pari" Daily with the cooperation of Deloitte Bulgaria. Earlier this year the bank won first place in the "Investor in Environment" category for its long-term social responsibility campaign "Crystal Purity of Pancharevo" in the framework of the Sixth Annual Awards for Socially Responsible Business, organized by the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF).

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