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United to End Child Hunger Across the World

June 01, 2008
United to End Child Hunger Across the World

On Sunday, June 1st, Thousands of children who know what it feels like to be hungry took to the streets, together with caring citizens, in a worldwide walk to raise awareness about child hunger. From Indonesia to Guatemala, more than 250,000 people in 70 countries participated in End Hunger: Walk the World, an event organised by the United Nations World Food Programme together with its largest corporate partners, TNT and Unilever. The Walk took place as world leaders gathered in Rome for a High-Level Conference on World Food Security, 3-5 June 2008.


"Walk the World delivers a strong message that hungry children in school should not be forgotten, especially in this time of high food prices and hardship," said WFP's Deputy Executive Director, John Powell, adding that WFP was grateful to everyone who participated in the event, including its corporate partners.


Across 24 time zones and in more than 250 locations, initial reports say the global walk raised more than $500,000 enough to feed 2 million children for one day through WFP's school feeding programme. This number is expected to increase significantly in the weeks to come.


Near Sofia, in Simeonovo, at 10:00 o'clock sharply, employees of TNT Bulgaria, UNDP representatives, relatives and friends, for a sixth year in a row took part in the global event. The famous Bulgarian alpinist Doychin Vassilev again led the walk in the skirts of Vitosha Mountain.


The local funds raised from the event in Bulgaria - over 1600 BGN, will be transferred to the account of UN WFP "School Feeding Support" Program in Tanzania, which provides food for the children during their school lessons stimulating their education and at the same time helps their poor families and parents.


"Walk the World is the event to raise awareness for all the children who suffer from hunger every day," said Peter Bakker, CEO of TNT. "At TNT we believe that hunger is not acceptable in today's world. I am proud that so many TNT employees, their families and friends on all continents of the world have actively taken part in this Walk to show their solidarity and to raise funds to give these children the daily meal they deserve."

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