Member news

BBLF Fifth General Meeting

October 31, 2002
BBLF Fifth General Meeting

BBLF held its Fifth General meeting at Sheraton Sofia Hotel Balkan devoted to making an overview of the Forum's activities, discussing their further development, adopting BBLF 2003 Draft Budget and electing some new Board members and a new BBLF Controller.


Participants at the General meeting approved BBLF Activity report for the period April 1, 2001 - September 30, 2002 outlining the organization's activities in relation to evolving BBLF structure and functioning, the development of BBLF ongoing projects (Business Ethics, Career Advisory Project, Partnerships and Social/Community Investment Activities) and Events Agenda, the organization's administrative activities etc.


The General meeting approved the Scope of 2003 BBLF Programme Activities anticipating a main focus on further developing the Career Advisory Project, promoting the Business Ethics Standard, initiating new Target team activities in the area of Corporate Governance, as well working out BBLF members CSR profiles, developing a communication and information strategy etc.

The General meeting also confirmed the membership in BBLF of the companies and NGOs who have joined the Forum during year 2002, specifically: Hill International, Desiderata Agency, BP Italia Spa, Nike Europe, Vidima AD, HuMan Bulgaria, Bulgarian Export Insurance Agency, Sanita Trading JSC, Allied Pickfords, Albena Invest Holding Plc, Mr. Nikolay Hadjidontchev, Radisson SAS Grand Hotel, Economic & Investment Bank, Hoffmann - La Roche Ltd. and Mr Vassil Kolev.


The General meeting elected three new BBLF Board members - Mr John Grieg, General Manager, Radisson SAS Grand Hotel, Mr Ivan Vassilev, Country General Manager, TNT Bulgaria and Mr Krassimir Ganchev, Director, Nokia Networks Bulgaria, and a new BBLF Controller - Mr Kees de Jong, CEO, ING Bank - Sofia Branch.

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