Member news

BBLF Fourth General Meeting

November 27, 2001
BBLF Fourth General Meeting

BBLF held its Fourth General meeting devoted to the adoption of a new Statute in accordance with the requirements of the Non-for-Profit Legal Entities Act. The new BBLF Statute (see statue) provides for the organisation to perform its activities for private benefit and to carry out additional business activities such as publishing, training, consulting and convening activities. The Statute also provides for equal status for companies and NGOs that are no longer classified as corporate and associated members.


The General meeting approved the BBLF's 2002 Work Programme (see programme) proposed by the Managing Board. The Work programme offers a basic outline of the activities and development of the Forum and its main points deal with organizational strengthening, better management and development of the relations between and with BBLF members, creation of Target teams in different areas, building of a framework for long-term prorgamme development and follow-up of BBLF's ongoing projects.


The General meeting also confirmed the membership in BBLF of the companies and NGOs which had joined the Forum since the previous General meeting in April 2001 - Coca Cola Bulgaria, Bulgarian Charities Aid Foundation, TNT Express Worldwide, Schenker EOOD, Shell Bulgaria, Kaliman RT, ING Bank N.V. - Sofia Branch, Prestige Business, Hewlett-Packard Bulgaria, Nokia Bulgaria, Pharmacia Enterprises, Allianz Bulgaria Holding AD, Bulgarian International Business Association

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