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Radio FM+ and McDonald's Help Kick Off Employment Project for Disabled People

January 21, 2005
Radio FM+ and McDonald's Help Kick Off Employment Project for Disabled People

A great number of CVs of young, educated and talented people with physical disabilities are available at the BBLF Office for any company wishing to employ a person with different abilities. The BBLF team is at your disposal should you need any further contact information. 


BBLF members Radio FM+ and McDonald's have assisted the launching of one of the largest-scale and certainly most attractively built projects for the social adaptation of people with physical disabilities.


The Bulgarian Association for Personal Alternative (BAPA), founded by famous TV personalities Ivan and Andrey, anchors of one of the most popular shows on Bulgarian television, bTV's ‘Sblusuk' (‘Clash'), in cooperation with the National Social Rehabilitation Centre (NSRC) have started a joint initiative on promoting among employers in Bulgaria the benefits of employing people with physical disabilities.


At the major closing event of the long-running project, it transpired that many of the physically disabled people, challenged as they may be in certain fields of professional activity, often make valuable employees in other spheres, and could be as precious to a company as any of its healthy employees.

Using the popularity of flagmen Ivan and Andrey to an indisputably positive end, BAPA and NSRC have produced a number of videos promoting their campaign among the Bulgarian public. National private television bTV has agreed to air the videos for free, and so has BBLF member Radio FM+, who have been airing the radio clips in all of their radio stations, again free of charge.
McDonald's, active in all aspects of social work, especially when young people are concerned, have contributed to the project by providing free trainings in management and communication skills to a group of young disabled people, thus enhancing their preparation for the challenges of a real work environment.


The National Programme for Employment and Professional Training of People with Disabilities offers support and a series of privileges to employers wishing to hire disabled people, like providing for the employees' remuneration, for adapting the office space to the needs of a disabled person, securing all social payments, and so forth. In 2004 only, some half a million leva have been allotted by the Programme to the opening of 42 jobs for disabled people in the whole country.


Among the companies who have shown interest in the opportunity are also BBLF members M-tel, Actavis, Coca-Cola and more.

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