Project Aim
The construction of a complete system in the production base of Oleo Protein - part of the Bulmarket Group - aims to find a long-lasting and high-quality solution for ozonation and air purification. Limiting any impact on air performance, even if it is harmless, is essential for the company's management. The removal of harmless aromatic formations from the processing of organic raw materials improves the air quality in the area and the working environment of the employees.
Project Target Group
The installation of a special ozonation system aims to improve the air in the whole area where Oleo Protein is located. Important target groups are not only the company's employees, but also all those living near its industrial facilities.
Project Duration
The research for the different possibilities took 5 months, and the development of a personalized project for the specific needs of production - another 5. The ozonator has already been installed, in operation since October 2021. It is a long-term investment of the Group and is only part environmental and socially sustainable management. The overall social responsibility policy is directly related to the comprehensive protection of the environment through the operations of the organization.
Project Activities
In 2020, the company is engaged in research to find the best technological solution to reduce the harmless impact on the air in production activities. In 2021, a generator was ordered from the Turkish manufacturer TEKNOZONE, which has a ozone release capacity of 1000gr / h. For the successful implementation of the technology the team of the company is authorized construction activities - design of premises and construction, purchase of a reactor, pipelines, air dryer and other commissioning activities.
The ozolation system of the Bulmarket Group is a technological solution for improving the air quality around the production base of the company. It is highly efficient, continuously and solidly releases ozone, and the impact on the environment is already a fact. The introduction of an ozonator reduces the leakage of odor into the atmosphere by over 90%.
Project Results
Ozone is a gas that purifies the air in a natural way, leaving no harmful particles or influences. The installed ozone generator successfully removes the aromas formed during the roasting of the grain and those during the cooling of the expeller, but they are not dangerous for human health. The system has a device that measures the level of ozone in real time and this allows constant monitoring and control of the process. Months after the commissioning of the system on the territory of the production base no unpleasant aromatic formations are registered.