Project - Lidl Bulgaria: Top employer



Investor in Human Capital and Working Conditions

Project description

Project Aim

For Lidl Bulgaria to be responsible to its employees and the society, and to contribute to the improvement of the environment are key priorities. The company implements a wide range of initiatives that are a sustainable investment in human capital and aim: • establishing high employer standards throughout the country. • creating excellent conditions for work and development of employees. • programs for raising the qualification of young people and starting a successful career in Bulgaria. • career horizons in the country for Bulgarians from abroad. • work with partners from the NGO sector in support of disadvantaged people. • partnership with educational institutions to improve the quality of education, etc.

Project Target Group

- the employees of the company, over 3700 people, we reach through internal programs and projects - potential participants in the youth programs of Lidl and Bulgarians abroad - we reach through various channels of communication. In 2021, about 200 people have become part of youth programs. - through joint initiatives with our partners: events, information materials, competitions, etc., we reach other target groups.

Project Duration

Lidl has long-term goals in the field of human capital investment. In 2021, the company upgraded its key HR activities, targeting both employees and external groups. New initiatives were launched, which led to the concrete results. Responsibility - to employees, to education, to partners and the environment, are directly related to the overall concept of social responsibility of the company.

Project Activities

Regarding the employees: creating an excellent working environment, incl. payment of 50% above the average for the economy in Bulgaria, a rich package of benefits, incl. new as a Christmas bonus. Special focus on training and development - 100% of employees are in a talent management system with individual development measures. Leadership Academy for 128 managers. Internship program with 8 interns working on a project and participating in various trainings and events. Program for students over 18 with 139 participants. Introductory and functional trainings, participation in motivating events. 10% of them remained in permanent employment. Participation in over 30 events for different target groups - open lessons in schools, lectures at universities, career events, information materials. Donation to UNWE for digitalization of education. A drawing competition was held for artists with disabilities together with Jamba and the Association of Artists with Disabilities in Bulgaria. Buying gifts with a cause for employees, supporting of the Jamba Career Center. Partnership with the Trust for Social Alternative under the project "First steps in professional realization".

Project Results

Top Employer for Bulgaria and Europe for the 3rd consecutive year with increased results. Lidl in the top 3 Employer of choice 2021 Employee growth of 15% in 2021 Nearly 80% of employees are satisfied with working conditions and development (data from the Lidl Pulse survey for 2021) Over 90% of interns and trainees are satisfied with their participation in the programs. Growth of the candidates by almost 100%. Growth of the employed. 70% of store managers are in the position after internal growth. Pragmatica survey: 82% of people who would work in the retail sector prefer Lidl Positive feedback from cooperation with various partners. Favorable effect of the company's activity for the economy, measured by the IME in the "Lidl effect" -