

Investor in Education

Project description

Project Aim

“The Capables/ Discover your power” is focused on the prevention of smoking among young people in Bulgaria. The project features a ready-to-use lesson plan available for free to all teachers in the country, who may choose to shed light on the topic as part of regular homeroom classes with students. The lesson plan is supplemented by a creative campaign with heroes- Bulgarian youth, who opt for healthy lifestyle choices and develop specific skills in sport, arts, and other fields. The project aims to provide know-how and tools to adults (teachers and parents), enabling open and productive conversations with youth on healthy lifestyle habits and risks associated with harmful habits such as smoking.

Project Target Group

The project focuses on students(12-16 years)as the key target for preventing early adoption of smoking.To reach the students, direct beneficiaries are teachers,principals,parents,who have full access to relevant materials in order to carry out lessons and open conversations about the risks of smoking and the benefits of healthy lifestyle.In 20-21,the project reached over 11640 students,1200 teachers, and over 10000 parents. Over 584 lessons took place in diverse schools across the country

Project Duration

“The Capables” is part of Astra Zeneca’s “Young Health Programme” (YHP), which targets the prevention and reduction of chronic illness among young people around the world. YHP was initiated 10 years ago and reached 28 countries, including Bulgaria. Since its inception, YHP initiatives have reached over 12 million young people in partnerships with over 30 nonprofit organizations. YHP has also contributed to over 20000 trained medical staff. “The Capables” is a 3 year initiative in Bulgaria.

Project Activities

During the realization of the project, online meetings, live presentations and key partnerships proved vital for the success of the endeavor. Among the most important activities were the online presentations for the Regional Health & Education Departments, as well as all presentations of the project on national media, backed by a dedicated press conference, held at the Residence of the British Ambassador in Sofia.

Project Results

> 11 000 students reached > 500 teachers reached > 500 K Media reach In terms of feedback, we have our online questionnaire, designed to provide us with vital feedback on the project. We are excited to share that the feedback is 100% positive. We have also gathered information based on personal interviews with teachers. So far we haven’t received a single recommendation for improvement.