Project Aim
In 2021 Kamenitza celebrated its 140th anniversary since its establishment in 1881. For more than 141 years Kamenitza has been a part of the life of every Bulgarian. As the oldest beer in Bulgaria, which still exists today, we wanted to support our consumers in the most exciting moment in a man's life - the moment he became a father, further strengthening the bond between Kamenitza and its fans. Every man who became a father in 2021 and who registered on our website wins a case of 24 bottles of Kamenitza 330 ml. This is one of the most emotional periods in the life of every man, but also the most engaging and tense one. That is why Kamenitza gives every dad the opportunity to share this occasion with his friends over a glass of beer.
Project Target Group
The target group are fans of Kamenitza brand and all men in Bulgaria who became fathers in 2021. According to initial NSI data, expectations for births in 2021 were about 60,000. Since the beginning of the campaign, we have received more than 21,000 unique registrations, which is more than 30% of all potential users who became fathers last year. The ways of communication to the target group are through TV advertising, digital communication and at points of sale.
Project Duration
The campaign started on 01.09.2021 and lasted until 31.01.2022. Kamenitza wanted to support the majority of its fans during one of the most important periods for them - the moment when they became a father. Over the years, Kamenitza has always supported men in the fields of sports, music, active lifestyle and continues to do so today. With this campaign, the brand pays attention to a more personal and emotional area for its consumers. The plans are for the project to continue in 2022.
Project Activities
"Kamenitza for Dad" campaign was supported by a 360-degree communication campaign, with which we managed to reach over 1/3 of the fathers in Bulgaria last year. The approach we used were special television advertising, communication in social and online media with various digital channels in various and working formats, communication at points of sale, communication to the media through a press release, launching the campaign, engaging communication to all employees in the company.
Digital communication included, in addition to a special site of the campaign itself, premium video ads and branded content, on Facebook - posts, videos, carousels, stories, videos on YouTube, stories on Instagram, banner / video ads on select sites and Viber.
The communication at the points of sale included the development and installation of various advertising materials such as posters, shelf hangars, flyers and others. In addition, the case of Kamenitza bottles, provided to each registered father, were packed with a special campaign-branded cardboard wrapper with a dedicated place to handwrite the name of each father.
Project Results
The forecast for newborns in 2021 was about 60,000, and our campaign received over 21,000 unique registrations of men who became fathers last year. Practically with this we managed to reach 1/3 of all fathers in Bulgaria for 2021 and managed to make them happy with Kamenitza, which they will share with their friends in this emotional moment of their life.
Through TV advertising we reached over 94% of the target audience, which is a great result. In digital communication, we have over 15 million impressions and over 2.2 million video views - remarkable results that are many times higher than the metrics we set at the beginning of the campaign. Overall, we can say that we have achieved great results and we will be happy to continue this year.