Project - Protecting the health and safety of the employees and providing employment in a pandemic.



Investor in Human Capital and Working Conditions

Project description

Project Aim

Protecting the health and safety of employees and providing employment during a pandemic situation. Raise awareness among the employees regarding their safety, health care, environmental protection and information security.

Project Target Group

All current and future employees in the company. We reach all employees by conducting information campaigns on a regular basis. Our partners, suppliers, customers.

Project Duration

Ber-Hella Thermocontrol is a socially responsible company and from the beginning of Pandemic we have been continuously improving the safety measures and monitoring the situation in the country so that we can respond in a timely manner to all new challenges related to Covid. In addition to our EHS & Quality Integrated system, we have implemented additional measures which to guarantee healthy working environment for all employees, partners, suppliers and customers.

Project Activities

Ber-Hella Thermocontrol is a socially responsible company and the most important capital in which we constantly invest are our employees. We have Implemented an Integrated system for "Quality, Information Security, HSE", which ensures continuous improvement of the activities. In 2021, the Integrated System was upgraded with ISO 45005: 2020, "Safe working during COVID 19 pandemic", and following measures were implemented: • New modes of ventilation and air conditioning for all working and office premises. • Automatic control points for measuring the temperature before entering the company. • Separation of human flows of incoming and outgoing people. • Rules for personal hygiene in a pandemic were disseminated and promoted on information boards. • Daily disinfection of all work and office premises. • Conducting information campaigns with employees. • Organizing voluntary vaccination of workers and their families on the territory of the company. • Providing free PCR tests in case of suspicion of COVID 19. • Daily control for compliance with all measures by the management of the comapny.

Project Results

We managed to prevent the spread of the virus among employees and provided a safe working environment. The information campaigns had an impact and the employees understand the importance of the measures taken and observe them constantly. In this way we have established ourselves as a stable and constantly growing company despite the difficult period and managed to provide employment in a pandemic. We have managed to meet customer needs and we did not stop the production process. In addition we have increase the employees awareness related to personal hygiene and health care.