Sirma Business Consulting is the best combination between the experience of Sirma Group Holding (SGH), a proven IT integrator in Bulgaria, and a team of financial professionals (managers, bank experts and consultants) with a long worldwide banking practice. The company was established as a joint stock company in 2007 with a capital of 1M EUR and operates worldwide.
We are specialised in finance industry custom business development, system integration and implementation of software solutions. We provide a diverse portfolio of robust products and state-of-art IT solutions, based on advanced technologies.
Sirma BC is proud with its successful development, fruitful business and technology partnerships, professional accomplishments, and multiple accolades, awarded for the company employees and disruptive research.
Sirma BC helps its customers to identify and implement the best business and operational processes, software technologies and IT solutions in order to manage their business and address their emerging challenges. We provide IT consulting and help organizations transform their processes, focus on growth and achieve better efficiency, well-managed risk, and synchronization in business operations. The management consulting that Sirma BC offers allows for optimization of work automation in the organization. Our clients achieve profitable growth and enhance their competitiveness through new business models.
We carry out a preliminary assessment of the challenges an organisation has to overcome and find ways for changes and improvements. Each project starts with a comprehensive evaluation of the customer's needs, tailored to the specific objectives, analysis and audit of the existing software system and the IT infrastructure, then we recommend and offer individual software solutions. Our projects are implemented with the most appropriate technology. We also implement IT systems, process optimization and provide IT consultancy. Sirma BC extensive experience includes a wide range of technological expertise, flexible methodology in the software creation process, and vertical know-how. This specific industrial knowledge has been gained owing to hundreds of successful projects delivered worldwide. We value the client feedback and try to fully satisfy clients’ requirements and needs. We deliver software business solutions which are easy to use, have an intuitive interface and allow seamless integration between different products and services.