BULMAR ML is a company with over 20 years of presence in the Bulgarian market, specialising in the distribution of medical devices, medical equipment and medicinal products. The company has reliable partners in the domestic and foreign markets and significant experience in the medical industry.
As an official distributor for the territory of Bulgaria of a number of leading European and international companies BULMAR ML provides high quality specialized products and services to the Bulgarian health system. Being the main partner of the Ministry of Health and the Bulgarian transfusion system, the company is involved in two main diagnostic areas - molecular NAT diagnostic of the donated blood and rapid testing of the population - thus directly contributing to the safety and reliability of the services provided by the Bulgarian health authorities.
BULMAR ML is ISO 9001: 2015 certified and is operating according to good distribution practices. Since its founding in 2003 until today, the company has been constantly striving to develop and improve its activities by including new products in its portfolio, improving the skills of its staff and improving the quality of the service. Healthcare customers always place high demands on accuracy, fast order fulfillment and reliability, as non-compliance would have serious consequences for patients' health and lives. Our main goal is to meet these requirements to the highest degree. Proof of our professionalism are our numerous clients.
In addition to business projects BULMAR ML also develops socially responsible (SR) projects. The SR projects are targeted on children’s access to sport, support for young graphic artists with organisation of exhibitions, including sponsoring pre-Christmas exhibitions.