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Kozloduy NPP


Kozloduy NPP

Kozloduy NPP EAD is the only nuclear power plant in Bulgaria and the country's major electricity producer, providing for more than one third of the national annual electricity generation. This fact determines the significant role of the company as a factor of economic stability at regional and national level. Kozloduy NPP generates the cheapest electricity in the country, thereby enabling sustained reasonable prices of electricity for end consumers in Bulgaria.

Safety is a top priority of Kozloduy NPP and subject to independent state surveillance performed by the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency, and international peer reviews by the IAEA and WANO.

Six power units of 3,760 MW total electric power have been constructed on the Kozloduy NPP site. Currently, the two WWER-1000 units are in operation.

The company’s corporate social responsibility finds expression in the conduct of a number of activities to support the local community and the development of the region, improve human capital, ensure healthy and safe work environment, as well as many projects in the field of environmental protection.

In the process of electricity generation, Kozloduy NPP produces virtually no greenhouse gas emissions, and contributes significantly in terms of ecology to environment protection for future generations.

Kozloduy NPP is one of the largest employers in Bulgaria. It is a single-owner shareholding company, a subsidiary of the Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD.