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High Expectations for Football ...

April 27, 2007
High Expectations for Football ...

The "Ernst & Young Financial  Services Football Cup" competition is about to start on the 28th April 2007 in Sofia. The tournament is organized by the Bulgarian Football Union together with the Amateur Football League. It is held for the second consecutive year and the ambition of the sponsor - Ernst &Young, is to make the tournament a traditional annual sports event for the financial services Community of Bulgaria.


All 24 teams participating in the tournament this year are formed by professionals from leading banks, consultancy firms, insurance companies and investment intermediaries. "All stars" team of economists from non-financial companies will take part in the tournament. National televisions and economic newspapers enthusiastic teams - bTV, NTV, Capital, Banker and Dnevnik will participate in the contest, too.


The technical conference was held at the Ernst & Young offices on the 20th April. The draw of lots was supervised by the Bulgarian Football Union and performed by representatives of the 24 teams.


The Code is drawn by the Bulgarian Football Union according to the rules of the amateur football. The referees are women - this was suggested by the BFU and will undoubtedly make the participants be more attentive.


Matches will be played on two fields at a time at "Akademik" Stadium (near Festivalna Hall). The first stage will be held on the 28th April 2007 from 9.30 a.m. and 17.30 p.m. The final match will be played on the 13th May 2007. Official closing ceremony is expected to be attended by the high management of the financial institutions.