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Mtel Donates BGN 200K for Social Needs

September 27, 2004
Mtel Donates BGN 200K for Social Needs
Bulgaria's largest GSM operator Mtel donated a total of BGN 200K for social needs Monday.
Half of the amount will be allotted to the opening of a Guide-dogs Training Centre in Bulgaria, said Mtel Chief Commercial Officer Michael Foley, after handing the 100K cheque to Ms. Albena Aleksieva of the ‘Eyes on Four Paws' Foundation.
A second cheque for 50K was signed for the national campaign ‘Warm Bread for Underprivileged Children' of the Bulgarian Red Cross. Each sms sent as part of the campaign to phone number 1255, supports the orphans and abandoned children in Bulgaria with BGN 1.00.
Another 50K were sent to the orphanage in the village of Apriltsi.